Best Electrician in the PNW, thanks to our customers!

The people have spoken! Our fantastic customers voted us the 2023 Best Electrician Bronze Winner in the Seattle Times Best in the PNW people’s choice competition! Just the fact that our customers nominated us was a huge honor in and of itself. And winning bronze for Best Electrician reaffirmed that people appreciate our customer-focused approach.

The past few years have been a challenge for many small businesses facing inflation and continuing uncertainty. We kept our prices as stable as possible and didn’t participate in the price gouging that seemed to be becoming rampant. We stayed focused on the thing that’s been the goal across our decades in business: providing excellent service at the best price we can. And your vote tells us that we’re still on the right track.

Thank you so much to all those who voted for us in the 2023 competition. Customer recognition for providing excellent service means the world to us! We look forward to another year of helping our PNW community with electrical issues big and small. And who knows? Maybe 2024 will bring us the gold!

Contact us today to schedule your project and find out why customers voted us the Best in the PNW!

Medallion for the Best Electrician in the PNW Bronze Winner 2023

Bronze Winner!