About the Electric Company of Seattle

About the Electric Company of Seattle

About the Electric Company of Seattle

The roots of the Electric Company can be traced back to 1979 when founder Stephen Brandeis first began doing business under that name, providing electrical services to his local community. Where did the name come from? His kids will tell you that he was inspired by one of their favorite TV shows from that era, The Electric Company. When the family moved to Seattle in the early 1990s the name came with them, and since then the business has grown and more family members have joined the team. We’re proud to be family owned and operated, and we want our customers and employees to feel like family too. If there’s ever anything we can do to help just let us know. We’re right there when you need us!

Our Electricians


Brian Jablonski

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Dan Cotton


Jose Diaz


Isaac Heisler


Trent Mohr

Our Administrative Staff


Stephen Brandeis

General Manager and Electrical Administrator


Valerie Brandeis

Financial Services Manager


Deja Brandeis

Operations Manager

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Nick Goodale

Office and Payroll Associate



CEO of Wags and Woofs